lundi 21 août 2017

États Altérés, Vol. 294 : Lundi 21 août 2017

États Altérés. Volume 294. Weed Demon, Carved in Bone, The Curf, Witchstone, Pyreship, Brume, Devil Electric, Majnun, Emperor Guillotine, Spaceslug, Vintage Cucumber, Shooting Guns, Squadra Omega. Dès minuit, sur les ondes du 89,3FM CISM.

Vous pouvez écouter l'émission ou les archives sur le site de CISM.

1. Weed Demon * Astrological Passages (Astrological Passages * 2017 * Dissonant Society)

2. Carved in Bone * Mountains of God (Higher Consciousness * 2017 * Indépendant)
3. The Curf * Let Go (Death and Love * 2017 * Fuzz Ink)

4. Witchstone * The Voidmouth (Mortal Fear of Infinity * 2017 * Sunmask)
5. Pyreship * … Are We Dead Yet (The Liars Bend Low * 2017 * Black Bow)

6. Brume * Call the Serpent's Bluff (Rooster * 2017 * DHU)
7. Devil Electric * Hypnotica (Devil Electric * 2017 * Kozmik Artifactz)

8. Majnun * Miles Under the Black Sun (Meditation Overdrive * 2017 * Open Your Eyes)
9. Emperor Guillotine * The Unearthly (Emperor Guillotine * 2017 * Gargoyle)

10. Spaceslug * Time Travel Dilemma (Time Travel Dilemma * 2017 * Oak Island)

11. Vintage Cucumber * Morgiana's Dschinn (Arabische Nächte * 2017 * Indépendant)
12. Shooting Guns * Vampires of Industry (Flavour Country * 2017 * RidingEasy)

13. Squadra Omega * Le Oscillazioni Dell'universo Giovane (Materia Obscura * 2017 * Soave)

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