lundi 9 mai 2016

États Altérés, Vol. 255 : Lundi 9 mai 2016

États Altérés. Volume 255. Ancient Warlocks, Witchthroat Serpent, Beastmaker, Merlin, The Cosmic Dead, Valley of the Sun, Devotion, Bardo Pond, Matt MV Valentine, MV & EE et Tom Carter. En direct, dès minuit, sur les ondes du 89,3FM CISM.

Vous pouvez écouter l'émission ou les archives sur le site de CISM.

1. Ancient Warlocks * Terrible Touch (Ancient Warlocks II * 2016 * STB)
2. Witchthroat Serpent * Mystical Devotee (Sang-Dragon * 2016 * Deadlight Entertainment)

3. Beastmaker * It (Lusus Naturae * 2016 * Rise Above)
4. Merlin * Will O' the Wisp (Electric Children * 2016 * PRC Music)

5. The Cosmic Dead * Inner C (Rainbowhead * 2016 * Bear Tree)

6. Valley of the Sun * Land of Fools (Volume Rock * 2016 * Fuzzorama)
7. Devotion * Get On With It (Headspace Astronaut * 2016 * Can't Keep Us Down)

8. Bardo Pond * Purple (Acid Guru Pond * 2016 * Fire)

9. Matt MV Valentine * Blasted in the Haze (Blazing Grace * 2015 * Blazing Grace)
10. MV & EE * Lord of Unity (Alpine Frequency * 2015 * Child of Microtone)

11. Tom Carter * August Is All (Long Time Underground  * 2015 * Three Lobed)

Fin de la communication.

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